The 5 Stages of a Marketing Funnel: How to Make Your Own For Free!

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The 5 Stages of a Marketing Funnel: How to Make Your Own Full Blown Professional Marketing Funnel Proven To Generate You Leads And Sales Even While You Sleep

Landing Page Fundamentals

Marketers often forget that the first page a potential customer sees is the page of their website. Too many marketers create a formal, long-winded sales page, instead of something that genuinely sells and connects with the customers. You want to create a landing page that is enticing, short, simple and direct. The most important element is having a clear and compelling offer, but the rest of the page should be just as important.Having a clear and attractive headline is key to capturing the attention of potential customers, but it is not enough to write “Lowest Prices on the Web.” The key to writing a good headline is to ask yourself “what’s in it for the reader?” If you can’t answer that question, then your headline will just be hot air.

The Perfect Upsell

The upsell is the perfect way to increase profits and decrease refunds. The upsell is when you offer a customer an upgraded version or premium version of whatever they purchased. The beauty of this is that they’ve already decided that they like what they’re getting, and they already have trust in you, so it’s easier to upsell them.You can use the upsell to increase profits by increasing the average order value (AOV). If you have an AOV of $100, and you offer a $50 premium version of the initial product, then 50% of your customers will buy the premium version. This means that your AOV increases from $100 to $150.

Creative Cross-Selling

Cross-selling can be used to increase sales and boost customer confidence. It is the practice of recommending related products to customers while they are checking out, or after they have made their initial purchase. Cross-selling is a great way to increase average order value, decrease return requests and boost customer satisfaction.The main difference between cross-selling and upselling is that cross-selling is done with products that are not part of the main offer. For example, if a customer is purchasing a cookbook, you might recommend a frying pan or a set of pots and pans that would complement the cookbook.

Irresistible Down-Sell

The down-sell is an offer that allows you to make a significant profit while forfeiting a very small percentage of customers. The general idea behind the down-sell is that you offer a lower-priced item to customers who are on the fence about making a purchase. This can be done either before they make a purchase, or after they have made a purchase.For example, if a customer is on your website and they are viewing the $49.99 package, you could mention that there is a $29.99 package available as well. You might also mention it after the customer has made a purchase, offering them a discounted version of the same product.

Thank You Page On Steroids

The thank-you page is the page that customers see after they have made a purchase from your website. This is the perfect place to make the sale even more profitable. You should offer customers an upgraded version of the product they have just purchased. You can also offer them a free gift or an added bonus that compliments the product they have just bought.Offering an upsell is a great way to increase your average order value, as well as an easy way to increase your overall revenue. It is a simple way of showing appreciation to your customers, while at the same time making more money.

Secret Follow-Up Sequence

Marketers have long used a follow-up sequence, which is a set of emails that are automatically sent out after a customer has made a purchase. These emails are sent at pre-determined intervals and are designed to keep customers coming back to your website.Follow-up sequences are a great way to boost the overall revenue from each customer that visits your website. Follow-up sequences can be used to sell customers more products, increase customer satisfaction and even help you build customer loyalty.When customers become familiar with your brand and see your emails in their inbox, they are more likely to click on them, which means more revenue for you.Unfortunately, most marketers abuse the follow-up sequence. They send emails as frequently as every few minutes, or they send emails that are low-quality and spammy. Following these tips will help you create a follow-up sequence that is acceptable and even welcomed by customers.


Marketing your business can be overwhelming. There are so many options available and different ways to go about it. It can be difficult to know where to start. These five different stages offer you a template for creating your own marketing funnel. You can use this template to break down the different stages of marketing in an easy way to follow. This way, you can use these different strategies to increase your customer base and grow your business.






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